As a founding partner, Samsa has extensive experience onboard as an Oceangoing Watchkeeping Officer in international shipping companies following his graduation from Dokuz Eylül University, Maritime Faculty. He is also graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Law.
Having a dual degree in maritime and law, Samsa has an integrated legal and technical approach to complicated shipping disputes.
He is a member of Dokuz Eylül University Alumni Association (DEFMED).
Samsa is fluent in English.
Being the managing partner, Gozen spent three years at a Shipping-specialized international law firm in Istanbul after completing her LL.M. Maritime Law at the University of Southampton in 2018.
Gözen has a broad range of experience advising clients in relation to a variety of shipping matters, including disputes arising under charterparties, bills of lading, sale contracts, insurance contracts, and shipbuilding contracts. She handles complex litigation disputes before Admiralty Court in Istanbul and coordinates arbitration in other litigations. She also has an extensive experience in the sale and purchase of the vessels.
She is a member of the Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association Turkey (WISTA).
Gözen is fluent in English.
As a partner, Alp is graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Law apart from Bogazici University, Physics Department. During completing his undergraduate in the Physics Department of Bogazici University, Alp has also participated in the double major program with the Department of Mathematics.
Alp focuses on litigation specializing in container demurrage and detention, non-delivery of the cargo, and cargo damages addition to his extensive experience in the sale and purchase process of the motor vessels and motor yachts along with their registration process before various ship registries.
Alp is fluent in English.